Tag: malta

Ftira Maltija jew Ftira Ghawdxija?

What is a ftira? So a few weeks ago I asked mum to show me how she makes her Gozitan ftira. My first one was a success – the fiance approved. My second go was last night for morning tea at work for Harmony Day. Initially when I was asked what traditional food I was going to bring, the word ‘ftira’…

Miss Malta Revamp

I have been on hiatus for quite some time, all the while I have had Miss Malta in the back of my head with a million ideas for content and wanting to get back into it again. Unfortunately, life gets in the way of my spare time. My life in a nutshell in the last 18 months? We bought a…

Discovering Nephilim

I woke up to a notification on my phone this morning from a lady named Ali Gale. Let’s just say, as I scrolled through her post, I started to realise this was something I needed to read when I had opened my eyes a little more over a strong mug of coffee! Ali had come across a post I wrote two…

My Direct Family Line

Since my visit to Malta last year after obtaining buznannu Pawl’s passport and his birth certificate, I found the Cassar direct family line up to Felice Cassar, who is my buznannu x3 (buznannu Pawl’s nannu). That’s 5 generations, 6 if you include me. All I had for Felice was his name, I didn’t have any dates or even a name for his…

A Taste of Nostalgia

Nostalgia; the feeling of desire to return in thought or to a former time in one’s life, to one’s home or homeland, or to one’s family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time. The feeling of nostalgia I think best describes why I have such a strong passion for my heritage, my unconditional love for…

Biex nipprattika nikteb l-lingwa Maltija

Mela se niprova nikteb posta bil-Malti. L-aħħar li ktibt posta kien xhur ilu. Dak, u għandi bżonn għall-prattika biex nikteb bil-Malti. Naħseb li se nagħmilha xi haġa frekwenti li nikteb bil-Malti fuq il-blog tiegħi. Forsi mhux se jkun Malti perfett, imma se nipprova. Għal dawk li qed jaqraw għall-ewwel darba il-blogg tiegħi, jiena twelidt hawn fl-Awstralja u il-Malti mhux l-ewwel ta’ lingwa tiegħi. Ommi…